
Welcome to the
La Paloma
vendor Dashboard
Setting them and managing them
Setting goals, managing them and handling expectations
Every market you vend, it's good practice to think about how much of an investment you are making to create your pieces and/or find the perfect vintage items to sell. While it's not always sexy to count the bits and pieces that make a whole and then determine a retail value, it's part of the equation to what we do, which is sell goods.
I get it - it's intimidating, it takes time, but if we take break it down into small steps, we become better business people. Your integrity, self-worth and value deserve to recognized and compensated through what you are offering to the public. I believe each of you are valuable and have talents people want.
When it comes to market performance, it's kind of like the weather, there are no guarantees. What we can do to increase opportunity is get excited, promote what you love - which is what you bring to La Paloma. Take advantage of social media, word of mouth, free online calendars to get word out for where people can shop and support you!